Original Third Reich Magazines For Sale on USMBOOKS.com
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Die Pause, 1938 NS-Kulturzeitschrift, Ing. Hanns Blaschke
A 4+ pound custom bound hardcover book containing eight issues of 1938 Die Pause magazine, 600+ heavily illustrated pages with historic photo features of Hitler’s state visit to Italy, the reunification of Austria with Nazi Germany, Reichsparteitag Großdeutschland, the Nazi annexation of the Sudetenland, Nazi Party construction projects, art and great period advertising. Unique - belongs in a museum or reference library!
1938 Nazi Anschluss photo magazines
A lot of two Nazi photo magazines, a special Election Issue of DAF-KdF
'Labor World' and 'Commercial Transport Review' published at
the time of the Anschluss in April and May 1938.
Die Pause, 1941 NS-Kulturzeitschrift
The first two 1941 issues of Die Pause, the high-quality Nazi cultural photo magazine
with extensive coverage of the German film industry, Nazi architecture
and sculpture - 200 heavily illustrated pages.
Illustrirte Zeitung Leipzig, October - December 1939 bound
A 5 pound hardcover book containing the October - December 1939 issues of
the oversized Nazi news magazine Illustrirte Zeitung. Remarkable coverage
of the Nazi invasion of Poland and other foreign and diplomatic news,
accompanied by photos, maps and superb war art, lots of it in color.
Die Woche Special Edition Fascist Italy
A rare oversized Special Edition of Die Woche magazine on
Benito Mussolini's Fascist Italy with 44 heavily illustrated pages.
Die Strasse 1935, Generalinspektor für das Deutsche Straßenwesen, Dr. Ing. Fritz Todt
ALL rare heavily illustrated 1935 issues of the obscure technical Die Strasse magazine published by Inspector General for the German Highways Dr-Ing Fritz Todt.
The 876 pages are hardbound in a 7 pound book - the minutia is mind-boggling
and the photo content is amazing!
1939 MOTOR und SPORT Nazi car and motorcycle magazines
A lot of two rare 1939 issues of Motor und Sport, the Nazi automotive magazine
with the latest news about vehicles, motorcycles, aircraft, car races,
technical developments in the field, etc. ~ 120 heavily illustrated pages!
RAK-Tankwart, Nazi freeway gas station employee magazine
A lot of thirteen very rare heavily illustrated 1940 and 1941 issues of
Der RAK-Tankwart, the informational magazine for Nazi freeway gas station
employees, many of them serving in motorized Wehrmacht units at the front.
Die Woche Sondernummer Anschluss 1938
The 23 March 1938 special edition of the Third Reich magazine Die Woche
with superb photo coverage of the historic Anschluß or reunification of
Austria with Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany.
Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung Mai - Juni 1938
All seven issues of the Nazi news tabloid Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung published between 5 May and 15 June 1938 - a total of 282 photo filled pages with extensive coverage of Hitler's historic state visit to Italy as well as fascinating observations and images of a 100 day car trip through the USA by a German reporter in a Mercedes-Benz.
Münchner Illustrierte Presse 3 x 1934
Three 1934 issues of the Munich news tabloid Münchner Illustrierte Presse with heavily illustrated articles on BdM obligatory labor service, prisons in New York, the construction of Olympic facilities in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, remembering the 9 November 1923 Putsch, and Hermann Goering’s forest cabin Carinhall on the Schorfheide north of Berlin (before it enormous expansion).
Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung January + February 1938
The first eight issues of the Nazi news tabloid Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung published
in January and February of the year 1938 - a total of 280 photo filled pages
containing the latest news and happenings in Nazi Germany and the world.
MITROPA Zeitung Juli 1931


A rare, heavily illustrated July 1931 Berlin edition of the Mitropa Zeitung,
the German magazine for train travelers using Mitropa railroad
eating and sleeping facilities.
all 12 issues of Der Vierjahresplan for 1937
All twelve issues of the first year of publication of Der Vierjahresplan, the official
magazine of Hermann Göring's Four Year Economic Plan for Nazi Germany.
Over 750 illustrated pages filled with information and pictures not found in other
Third Reich magazines, including stunning period industrial advertising
as well as the 1937 Index and rare original order form.
Unser Wille und Weg, Nazi Party propaganda magazines 1938
Unser Wille und Weg, very rare Nazi propaganda magazines for NSDAP Political
Leaders edited by Dr. Goebbels at the Reichspropagandaleitung - the complete year
1938 in a special patented custom Third Reich binder called Sammel Mappe.
twelve 1938 Der Vierjahresplan magazines
All twelve 1938 issues of Der Vierjahresplan, the official magazine of Hermann
Göring's Four-Year Economic Plan for Nazi Germany, over 800 illustrated
pages filled with information and pictures not found in other Third
Reich magazines, including stunning industrial advertising.
Nazi magazine Freude und Arbeit 1 - 1939
Issue 1 of Year 4 (1939) of the heavily illustrated international Nazi magazine
Joy and Labor with photo features on Hermann Goering and Carinhall,
Reichsführer-SS Himmler, Christmas with Reichsleiter Philipp Bouhler,
diplomatic visitors to Nazi Germany, etc.
1939 Freude und Arbeit Nazi magazine issue 2 year 4
The heavily illustrated Issue 2 of Year 4 (1939) of the heavily illustrated international Third Reich magazine Freude und Arbeit (Joy and Labor) with photo features on the opening of the New Reichschancellery, Charles Lindbergh at the Lilienthal Conference, Dr. Ley in Tripolis, Aryan German women, diplomatic news, etc.
Freude und Arbeit-  Joy and Labor - Gioia e Lavoro - Alegria y Trabajo - Joie et Travail
Issue 3 of Year 4 (1939) of the heavily illustrated international Nazi magazine Joy and Labor with photo features on the Berlin International Auto Show, the United States, Reichsführer-SS Himmler in Warsaw, Dr. Ley’s birthday visit to Nazi Ordensburg Sonthofen, etc.
Freude und Arbeit September 1938, Horthy
The September 1938 edition of the heavily illustrated international Nazi magazine Joy and Labor with photo features on RFSS Himmler, Heydrich and other high-ranking SS men at Quedlinburg, the visit of Hungarian head of state Horthy to Nazi Germany, the Freude und Arbeit Congress in Rome, scenes from diplomatic circles, international travel, etc.
BIZ 1937 Special Edition 700 Years Berlin
A heavily illustrated original 144 page Special Edition of the Nazi news magazine
Berliner Illustrirte, one of only 125,000 published for the 700th anniversary
celebrations of the capital city of Nazi Germany in 1937 - great photo content!
1935 Monatliche Mitteilungen NSDAP Ortsgruppe Nürnberg Gostenhof
The Julius Streicher 50th birthday issue of the very rare monthly magazine
of NSDAP Ortsgruppe Nürnberg Gostenhof (Number 2, February 1935).
Der deutsche Baumeister with Fritz Todt retrospective
The original January and February 1943 issues of Der deutsche Baumeister, the
monthly architecture and construction magazine for building professionals in
Hitler's Germany - includes a retrospective of the career of Dr. Ing. Fritz Todt.
Deutsche Baumeister 1942 Nazi construction professionals magazines
The original June-July and October 1942 wartime issues of Der deutsche Baumeister,
the architecture and construction magazine for building professionals in
Hitler's Germany, with interesting articles on gas generators and the OT.
Die Deutsche Baumeister 1942 magazines
The original August, September and October 1942 wartime issues of Der deutsche Baumeister, the architecture and construction magazine for building professionals in Hitler's Germany, with interesting articles on frontline construction projects.
postwar HEUTE magazine from American occupied Germany
HEUTE magazines from American occupied Germany - unique historical photographic
images of the personalities and the destruction of World War II in Europe.
Der deutsche Erzieher, 1939 Heft 11, Heft 12
Two rare June 1939 illustrated magazines called Der deutsche Erzieher
published by the National Socialist Teachers League for Third Reich educators,
with striking eagle and swastika covers.
Der Schulungsbrief NSDAP magazines
Various issues of the illustrated monthly magazine called Der Schulungsbrief
published by Reichsorganisationsleiter Dr. Robert Leycovering every NSDAP
subject from serious racial questions to Germanic history and matters like
the worldwide geographical distribution of the swastika symbol in antiquity.
Militär-Wochenblatt: unabhängige Zeitschrift für die deutsche Wehrmacht
A rare lot of 19 consecutive 1938 issues of the 'official magazine of the leadership of
the Wehrmacht'
called Militär-Wochenblatt with news about the Sudetenland,
the Spanish Civil War, war in the Far East and political unrest in the Middle East,
Wehrmacht promotions, military strategy and alliances, armaments and equipment
world-wide, pictures, maps and a treasure trove of military related advertising.
Unser Wille und Weg, Reichspropagandaleitung Berlin, 1941
The March, April and May 1941 editions of Unser Wille und Weg, very rare
illustrated Nazi propaganda magazines for NSDAP Political Leaders published
by Dr. Joseph Goebbels at the Reichspropagandaleitung in Berlin.
Feldzug in Polen, Sonderdienst der deutschen Infanterie 1939
Feldzug in Polen, an original 1939 Nazi photo magazine familiarizing readers with
many obscure details about the Wehrmacht invasion of Poland, with battle maps
and great images not found in other Third Reich period books or magazines.
A lot of two fine April 1936 and September 1937 Nazi tourism magazines in
English, French and Spanish with photo features on the 'New Nuremberg’,
the House of German Art in Munich, seaside and health resorts in
Nazi Germany, the castles of Bavarian King Ludwig II, and more.
Rare illustrated 1941 quarterly DIE BURG published by the Nazi
Institut für deutsche Ostarbeit in Krakau Generalgouvernement.
International Wood Market magazine Internationaler Holzmarkt 1941
The rare October 1941 German International Wood Market magazine, the "professional magazine for the wood industries in the New Europe" with an in-depth article about the construction, manufacture and testing of wooden aircraft propellors.
Die weite Welt, WW2 Luftwaffe magazine, Wehrbetreuung der Luftwaffe, Nationalsozialistischen Führungsstab der Luftwaffe
A lot of sixteen 1943 and 1944 issues of Die Weite Welt (The Wide World),
photo magazines published to inform Luftwaffe personnel on history, industry,
science, and culture in countries all over the world, including the United States.
1940 Nazi photo magazine called Wir Fahren gegen Engelland!
A 1940 German photo magazine called Wir Fahren gegen Engelland! with details
about the first days of the war against England and many photographs
not found in other books or magazines of the period.
Der getreue Eckart, Ratgeber sample issue
A rare sample issue of Der getreue Eckart, produced to entice readers to subscribe
to the larger magazine that was published bi-monthly in Vienna when
the Nazi Party was still illegal in Austria. Readers are asked to REALLY
pay attention to the text and let it sink in, not just to look at the pictures
The heavily illustrated 7 May 1940 issue of the Third Reich sport magazine
. Complete.
Deutsche Justiz Rechtspflege und Rechtspolitik September 1938
The rare 16 September 1938 edition of the Nazi justice ministry publication
Deutsche Justiz Rechtspflege und Rechtspolitik
, with extensive coverage of
Parteitag Großdeutschland, the 1938 Nazi Party Day Rally held in Nürnberg.
Two rare original 1938 issues of the Nazi genealogy research magazine
Familie, Sippe, Volk about race, family and the maintenance of pure German blood.
NS Bewegung
Three rare original Nazi political propaganda publications covering the History of
the Nazi Movement, National Socialist World Philosophy and German colonies.
1937, 1938 DEUTSCHLAND photo magazines
** SOLD **
Werkzeitschrift Perlmooser Zementwerke December 1942
Rare original December 1942 company magazine published for employees of the huge
Nazi cement company Perlmooser Zementwerke, with 38 heavily illustrated pages.
Very rare 1941 issue of Siemens-Mitteilungen, the factory newspaper for
employees of the Berlin-Siemensstadt electronics plant of Siemens.
E-WERK employee magazines 1940-1944
Three well-illustrated World War II era Nazi magazines for employees
from the Vienna electricity (power) company - Unser E-Werk.
Der Luftschutz magazines 1939
All twelve 1939 issues of DER LUFTSCHUTZ, a very interesting, heavily
illustrated Nazi magazine with articles about air raid protection, aviation
and aviation equipment, HARDBOUND in a book - complete.
Four original wartime photo magazines called Heimat: Ein Feldpostbrief der Luftwaffe published by the NS Political Leadership within the Air Force.
MOTOR und SPORT - heavily illustrated magazines with articles about motorized
Wehrmacht troops, the U-Boot, military blackout lights, motorcycle seats,
Russian aircraft,
The December 1944 Wiener Lokomotivfabrik magazine celebrating the
75th anniversary of the locomotive manufacturing company.
Miscellaneous issues of the rare heavily illustrated, monthly
Hitler-Jugend magazine Unsere Fahne (Our Flag)