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This is followed with an explanation why war with Poland was unavoidable for Nazi Germany (Hitler’s peace proposals were “answered with murder and terror”).
Other articles cover the start of the battle early on 1 September 1939, the reinstatement of the Iron Cross medal, the first recipients of the EK, the murder of ethnic Germans in the city of Bromberg (photo above), Hitler’s speech in liberated Danzig on 19 September, Polish prisoners taken by German Panzer forces, the role of the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine in September 1939, the new Nazi Wound Badge, an explanation of new military words (Flak, Kradschütze, Stuka), the battle for the strategic bridge over the Weichsel river at Kulm, the death of Generaloberst Freiherr von Fritsch, the battle and capitulation of Warsaw, etc.

The top photo shows the Nazi Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop’s train headquarters near the front. The second photo shows Hitler leaving his hotel on the way to a front line visit. Note Erwin Rommel, Hitler's Adjutant,
next to him.

Feldzug in Polen contains great photographs not found in other Third Reich period books or magazines including a rare photo of a father and son in the Luftwaffe, battle damage in Poland, soldiers during and in between battle, inside Nazi Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop’s train headquarters, Hitler leaving his hotel during a visit to Poland (with Erwin Rommel), Pioniere rebuilding bridges in Poland, Hitler with frontline soldiers in Galicia (southeastern Poland and western Ukraine), Nazi paratroopers unloading bicycles and motorcycles from a Junkers Ju52 transport plane, Joachim von Ribbentrop with Josef Stalin, Polish POWs, Volksdeutschen or ethnic Germans on the move, a wounded soldier with a DRK nurse, etc. There are also several battle maps of the Polish campaign.
This 84 year old Nazi photo magazine was once folded through the middle. It is complete and fully readable but in used condition, no offensive odor. See picture near the top of this web page - our price reflects condition.
This 9 x 11-¾ inch, 48-page heavily illustrated Nazi photo magazine was published by Sonderdienst der deutschen Infanterie in Berlin in fall of 1939. Feldzug in Polen (Campaign in Poland) familiarizes readers with many obscure details about the Wehrmacht invasion of Poland from 1 - 29 September 1939.
After a full-page Presse-Hoffmann picture of Adolf Hitler and OKW Chief Generaloberst Wilhelm Keitel, there is a page with smaller pictures of the German Armed Forces officers in charge of the invasion. They include Generalfeldmarschall Hermann Goering, Generaloberst von Brauchitsch, Generaloberst von Rundstedt, Generaloberst von Bock, Generaloberst List, Generalleutnant von Manstein, General Blaskowitz, Generalmajor Jeschonnek, Großadmiral Raeder and others.

This Nazi photo magazine Feldzug in Polen is for sale for
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• IF you prefer faster and safer Priority Mail shipping with USPS Tracking add $9.75. |
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