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This is an absolute treasure trove of information and images related to Wirtschaftspolitik or National Socialist economic and manufacturing policies as an aspect of the Nazi Four-Year Plan under the supervision of Minister-President Generaloberst Hermann Göring. |

What we are offering is all 12 complete issues of the second year of the big 10-1/4 x 14 inch heavily illustrated glossy magazine Der Vierjahresplan for the year 1938 with a total of 816 well-illustrated pages.
Single copies of the magazine Der Vierjahresplan are rare enough that most collectors have never seen or owned one. To find all 12 issues of the second year of Der Vierjahresplan is exceptionally good luck for anyone genuinely interested in the workings of the Nazi Party and its economic system.
This lot comes with the very rare complete Index for all twelve 1938 issues of Der Vierjahresplan. |
Most issues start with a foreword by Hermann Goering highlighting economic progress recently made in Germany, and praising the spirit and willingness of German laborers to accomplish the goals of the Four-Year Plan and Adolf Hitler’s vision for the future. The March, April and May 1938 issues of Der Vierjahresplan have excerpts of economy related speeches Hitler made instead of the regular Goering forewords, and the July and September issues have forewords by Nazi Minister for Economic Affairs Walther Funk and State Secretary Paul Körner. |
Below, a rare picture of a Hitler Youth mobile exhibition
bus made of light aluminum.
Below, the importance of apprentice work and retraining
the labor force is stressed as an important part
of the Nazi Four-Year Economic Plan..
Each issue of the magazine typically concentrates on around a half-dozen major subjects written by government leaders, Gauleiters, well-known industrialists, extraordinary business leaders, etc. The material covered in these twelve issues includes the use of aluminum in the German economy, improving welfare and social services in Nazi Germany, increasing agricultural output, rent control policies, the German wood industry, changes in the leadership of the national economy to reach all the goals of the Vierjahresplan, German mineral oil production, the role of the Deutsche Reichspost in reaching the goals of the Nazi Four-Year Plan, the motorization of Nazi Germany, new printing techniques, plastic and other artificial materials for industrial use, prices vs. standard of living, electric trucks and cars, Hjalmar Schacht wrote about about the Deutsche Reichsbank in Greater Germany, new laws regarding the protection of minors in the labor force, retraining the labor force, liquid gas, international sugar production, the German whaling (edible fat) industry, economical heating systems for houses in Arbeiter Siedlung (housing settlements purpose-built for laborers), the coal industry in the industrial Ruhr area, the evolution of farm equipment, international cooperation in the aviation world, foreign export and foreign trade policies, horticulture as part of the German economy, bone meal production, the canning industry, modern industrial machinery, apprentice work, the expansion of the Bremen sea port, modern architecture (“the combination of technique, economy and art”), the importance of trade fairs and exhibitions to introduce business owners and consumers to new technology, and much, much more. |
Above and below is part of an article about new laws regarding the compulsory declaration of assets inside Germany and abroad by German Jews and foreign Jews living in Nazi Germany.
A good deal of the spectacular industrial growth in Germany during the Third Reich can be traced directly to the astonishing success of Göring’s Four-Year Plan. There is no better source of information on this subject anywhere than in these rare original 1938 Nazi Vierjahresplan magazines.
Examples of electric delivery trucks pictured in these issues of Der Vierjahresplan.
There is superb advertising, mostly full-page, that IS NOT found elsewhere. Virtually every issue has ads from companies like Mercedes-Benz, Junkers, Heinkel Flugzeugwerke, IG Farben Industrie (manufacturer of Zyklon B poison gas among other things), Shell Oil, Bayer, Standard Oil (Deutsche-Amerikanische Petroleum-Gesellschaft), Opel (a part of American General Motors), Leuna, Continental Tires, Messerschmitt, Allianz, Jurgens-van den Berg Margarine Union, Hoesch-Stahl, Dornier, Siemens, Indanthren, Persil, AEG, Rheinmetall-Borsig, Krupp-Stahlbau, Aral, Agfa, Lanz-Bulldog Tractors, Lauchhammer, Zeiss-Ikon, Reemtsma Zigaretten, etc.

Major articles are very well illustrated with pictures not found elsewhere in German publications such as huge electric saws used in the timber industry, Adolf Hitler in Austria after the reunification, Hermann Göring visiting several industrial facilities in Austria after the Anschluß, a synthetic high-pressure oven at the Leuna factory, modern telephone production, German whaling ships (the importance of whale harvesting is highlighted relating to the fat in the diet of Germans), International Aviation Days in Berlin (photo below), a Hitler Youth mobile exhibition bus made of light aluminum, the new headquarters of IG Farben, etc., etc.

In April 1938 the reunification of Austria with Germany took place and these magazines have a lot of specific information about the process of incorporating Austria into Nazi Germany. Some of the topics covered are rebuilding and modernizing the Austrian economy to “serve” Greater Germany (written by Hermann Goering), heavy industry in Austria, the start of construction of the Reichswerke Hermann Göring in Linz, and agriculture. After the Sudetenland was incorporated into Greater Germany in the fall of 1938, articles about important industries in that area, modernizing them and increasing production appeared in the November issue of Der Vierjahresplan. |
These 12 issues of Der Vierjahresplan have the round purple eagle and swastika property stamp of the Institute of Geology and Paleontology at the University of Heidelberg.
Published by the Central Publishing House of the Nazi Party, Franz Eher Nachfolger, these 86 year old magazines are complete and in good used condition, except for the August issue. It was once somewhat damp and as a result the pages are lightly ribbed and two were partially stuck together at one time. All are perfectly readable, and have no odor.
Above, Messerschmitt Taifun (BF-108) advertising noting
the increase of the size of the country of Deutschland
after the April 1938 reunification of Austria with Germany.
Above, an example of a huge electric saw
used in the German timber industry.

This lot of all 12 issues of Der Vierjahresplan for 1938 is offered for sale
for $275.00 plus postage (see options below).
• Add $16.45 for Priority Mail shipping with USPS Tracking OR $8.95 for Media Mail. |
• IF you wish to purchase highly recommended, but optional insurance, add $4.50. |
• We will be happy to ship abroad at additional cost, however foreign customers are
responsible for any VAT payments, import duties & customs clearing fees. Please inquire. |
Below we show part of an article about the economic importance of the KdF Wagen or Volkswagen written by Adolf Hitler’s friend and Generaldirektor of Daimler-Benz (Mercedes - Benz cars and trucks) Jakob Werlin, who Hitler appointed Generalinspektor für das Kraftfahrwesen in 1942. |
Two of these magazines have large folded inserts with schematic drawings of a new fishing boat with processing and cooling facilities on board (shown below), as well as a modern propane system. |