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This is an absolute treasure trove of information and images related to Wirtschaftspolitik or National Socialist economic and manufacturing policies as aspects of the Nazi Four Year Plan under the supervision of Minister-President Generaloberst Hermann Göring. |
The material covered in these twelve issues includes subjects from German plastics to German whaling, German aeronautical research, German oil production, the use of synthetic fibers, fishing, the port of Greater-Hamburg (very important for the movement of goods in Germany and for export), the Forest as a Source of Raw Materials, the Reichsautobahn as part of the motorization of Nazi Germany, the Housing of Nazi Workers, the Nazi State Exhibition Schaffendes Volk (large exhibition about the first year of the Nazi Four Year Plan), Buna Synthetic Rubber, Kraft durch Freude holidays for German workers, recycling old material, Italy’s economic interest in East Africa, as well as smaller articles on a wider variety of subjects.

A good deal of the spectacular industrial growth in Germany during the Third Reich can be traced directly to the astonishing success of Hermann Göring’s Four Year Plans. There is no better source of information on this subject anywhere than in these original 1937 Nazi Vierjahresplan magazines.
The text on the order card states that it is the duty of all responsible, discerning Germans to educate themselves on the latest economic measures and official regulations in order to participate successfully in making Germany independent again.
Above, advertising by Deutsch-Amerikanische Petroleum Gesellschaft, DAPAG or German-American Gasoline Company, the German name for Standard Oil Company
in Nazi Germany.
Single copies of the magazine Der Vierjahresplan are rare enough that most collectors have never even seen one. To find all 12 issues of the first year of publication of Der Vierjahresplan is exceptionally good luck for anyone genuinely interested in the workings of the politically based Nazi economic system.
Most issues start with a foreword by Hermann Goering highlighting recent economic progress made in Germany, or an Adolf Hitler quote relating to the economy as an important part of the future of Germany.
Above, a rare picture of General Inspector for the German Highway
System Dr. Fritz Todt (wearing his SA general's uniform) showing
Hermann Göring a Nazi freeway bridge under construction.
These 12 issues of Der Vierjahresplan have the round purple eagle and swastika property stamp of the Institute of Geology and Paleontology at the University of Heidelberg.
Published by the Central Publishing House of the Nazi Party, Franz Eher Nachfolger, these magazines are complete and in very nice little-used condition, and have no odor. The covers of the July and September issues were printed on different (less-glossy) paper than the other ten 87 year old issues and therefor have a different color. The entire lot weighs about 9 pounds!
Above, 1936 German paper and pulp production statistics.
Below Eulan advertising for long-lasting moth protection.
Right, advertising by the Central Publishing House of the Nazi Party, Franz Eher Nachfolger, the publisher of Der Vierjahresplan magazine. Note the many well-known newspapers and magazines such as the Völkischer Beobachter, Illustrierter Beobachter, Der Pimpf, Das Schwarze Korps, Wille und Macht, Die Brennessel, etc. |
Above, the cover of the Index for all twelve 1937 issues of Der Vierjahresplan included in this lot.
Each issue of the magazine typically concentrates on around a half dozen major subjects written by government leaders, well-known industrialists, extraordinary business leaders, etc. For example, the article about leadership in important German aviation companies is by Fritz Siebel (of Siebel Flugzeugwerke, the aircraft manufacturing company from Halle an der Saale), and Generaldirektor of Daimler-Benz and Adolf Hitler’s friend Jakob Werlin penned a piece about the great increase in German car production since the National Socialists came to power.
Statistics and tables illustrate the increase of production in for example, the fishing industry, oil industry, German agriculture, as well as a major decrease in German unemployment numbers. Major articles are very well illustrated with pictures not found elsewhere in German publications.

Each issue also reviews current books, the stock markets, foreign trade, German laws related to economics and manufacturing, and superb advertising, much of it stunning full-page advertisements. Virtually every issue has ads from companies like Mercedes-Benz, Junkers, Heinkel Flugzeugwerke, IG Farben Industrie, BMW, Shell Oil, Standard Oil (Deutsche-Amerikanische Petroleum-Gesellschaft), Dornier, Siemens, AEG, Indanthren, Rheinmetall-Borsig, Krupp-Stahlbau, German Silk & Velvet Industries, Argus, Ago, Lanz-Bulldog, Lauchhammer, Carl Zeiss, Reemtsma, etc.
The ads from Mercedes are so direct and so committed to the objectives of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party that they themselves would make an excellent book or magazine article.
This lot of all 12 issues of Der Vierjahresplan for 1937 is offered for sale
for $275.00 plus postage (see options below).
• Add $16.45 for Priority Mail shipping with USPS Tracking OR $8.95 for Media Mail. |
• IF you wish to purchase highly recommended, but optional insurance, add $4.50. |
• We will be happy to ship abroad at additional cost, however foreign customers are
responsible for any VAT payments, import duties & customs clearing fees. Please inquire. |

What we are offering is all 12 issues of the big 10-1/4 x 14 inch, 64 or so page heavily illustrated glossy magazine Der Vierjahresplan for the first year of publication, 1937. The twelve rare Nazi magazines contain a total of 768 pages.
This lot comes with a very rare 10 x 14 inch glossy Inhaltsverzeichnis or Index for all twelve 1937 issues of Der Vierjahresplan that lists all the articles, subjects and authors, many well-known.
Also included is a rare 4-1/8 x 5-3/4 inch two-sided yellow subscription order form explaining the important goal of the Der Vierjahresplan magazine (shown below).