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The Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda or National Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Publicity had a very important role in Nazi Germany. Located in a grand office across the street from Adolf Hitler’s Reichschancellery in central Berlin and headed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, it was officially in control of all aspects of German cultural and intellectual life and heavily enforced the spread of Nazi ideology. It controlled absolutely every aspect of art, book, magazine and newspaper publication, radio and TV, live theater, movies and music in Nazi Germany.
Unser Wille und Weg (Our Will and Our Pathway) was the Nazi Party monthly magazine for National Socialist enlightenment published by the Reichspropagandaleitung and edited by Dr. Joseph Goebbels. The publication contained articles on the purpose, strategy, methods and effective use of Nazi propaganda. It was published for political leaders of the NSDAP by the Central Publishing House of the Nazi Party, Zentralverlag der NSDAP Franz Eher of Munich.

Few collectors or museums own even a single copy of Unser Wille und Weg. It is exactly the kind of material that was extremely important to the leadership of the Nazi Party, and its destruction following World War II was very important to the Allies in their de-Nazification efforts. Very few examples of Unser Wille und Weg magazines published for NSDAP political leaders survive anywhere in the 21st century.
These issues of Unser Wille und Weg contain plenty of anti-British rhetoric as well as the announcement of a new picture series released by the Reichspropagandaleitung called Wir brechen Englands Tyrannei! (We Crush England’s Tyranny!).
Inside the back cover of the March and April 1941 editions of Unser Wille und Weg is a list of die wichtigsten Ereignisse or the most important events that Nazi Party political leaders should be aware of. These issues list events such as the January 1941 Hitler - Mussolini meeting, the division of NSDAP Gau Schlesien into Gau Niederschlesien and Gau Oberschlesien, the death of Nazi Minister of Justice Dr. Franz Gürtner, the swearing in by Reichsführer-SS Himmler of volunteers of the SS-Standarte Nordland in Oslo, the funeral for Hermann Kriebel (a key figure in the November 1923 Putsch) at the Feldherrnhalle in Munich attended by Hitler and Hess, the Wehrmacht invasion of Bulgaria, the naturalization ceremony in Breslau of ethnic Germans from Bukovina attended by RFSS Himmler, the Lend-Lease Act approved by the US Senate, British ships sunk by Nazi submarines, RAF airplanes downed by Luftwaffe aircraft and Luftwaffe attacks on large English cities, as well as important speeches and events attended by Reichsleiter Rosenberg, Hermann Göring, Baldur von Schirach, Reichsleiter Dr. Dietrich, Dr. Goebbels and Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess.
These three rare original 80+ year old Nazi Party propaganda magazines are complete and in very nice used condition. No writing, nothing torn out, no odor. Few of these rare oversize World War II Nazi propaganda magazines offered for sale anywhere!

Above, an article about a picture book produced by the Gaupropagandaleitung of NSDAP Gau Tirol Vorarlberg with examples of the proper and improper use of runic symbols, Nazi Party symbols, swastika flags, pictures of the Führer and other National Socialist related decorations.
Also have a look at the book Nazi Kitsch.
Offered for sale on this USMBOOKS web page are rare original examples of the March, April and May 1941 editions of Unser Wille und Weg.

This lot of three oversize 1941 propaganda magazines for political leaders of the NSDAP is for sale for $99.00 plus postage (see options below).
• Add $14.95 for Priority Mail shipping with USPS Tracking OR $8.95 for Media Mail. |
• IF you wish to purchase highly recommended, but optional insurance, add $3.50. |
• We will be happy to ship abroad at additional cost, however foreign customers are
responsible for any VAT payments, import duties & customs clearing fees. Please inquire. |
These big 8-1/8 x 12-1/8 inch illustrated publications have articles such as the importance of exhibitions and their political message (examples mentioned and shown are Kampf für Großdeutschland, Raubstaat England, Der ewige Jude, Entartete Kunst), cultural organizations in the “liberated Alsace”, a picture book produced by the Gaupropagandaleitung of NSDAP Gau Tirol Vorarlberg about the proper use of SS runes, swastika flags, pictures of the Führer and other National Socialist related decorations (shown below), WHW charity collections and how to organize them to gain the maximum profit, properly designed Party announcement posters, Nazi welfare programs at the local level, using film and pictures (not film or pictures) for party propaganda and education purposes, DRK war charity collections, comparisons between World War I and World War II so far, creating dignified memorials for fallen soldiers, honoring heroes who fell fighting for the Führer and Fatherland, and Die Woche der NSDAP, an idea by a Kreisleiter from Klagenfurt in Carinthia to involve and inform the population of smaller cities and villages about the goals of the Nazi Party.