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Probably the most important and influential of all the party publications produced and printed in Nazi Germany were the monthly issues of an unpretentious 8 x 11-1/2 inch, well illustrated magazine called simply Der Schulungsbrief. The magazine tends to be a mystery to most who encounter it.

Most English speaking collectors, dealers and historians today incorrectly assume that Der Schulungsbrief was some sort of magazine for schools or school children. Nothing could be further from the truth. The title Der Schulungsbrief actually means and should be translated into English as “The Party Directive” and it was published under the direction of the unsung organizational genius of the NSDAP, the Reichsorganisationsleiter himself, Dr. Robert Ley. With a monthly circulation over 4 million, the magazine covered every NSDAP subject from the most serious racial questions to matters like the worldwide geographical distribution of the swastika symbol in antiquity. The extremely anti-Semitic position of Der Schulungsbrief gave away nothing to Julius Streicher’s Der Stürmer!

Offered on this USMBOOKS web page are two original examples of Der Schulungsbrief:
the fourth issue of 1939 called Volk und Rasse (Nation and Race) and the fifth issue of 1942 called Sieg der Rassenkraft (Victory of Racial Strength). Both have very anti-Jewish content.
This 40-page issue of Der Schulungsbrief starts with a full-page Willy Exner portrait of Adolf Hitler followed by half-page portraits of Hitler’s parents in an article on “Overcoming Chaos” by NSDAP Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess. The magazine then focusses on race and the nation, explaining threatening birth rate throughout Europe, and the subject of biology and ideology using photos of people like New York Mayor Laguardia, Trotzki (Trotsky), Levine-Nissen and other Jews as examples in contrast to Germans like Von Epp to explain their point. |
This 16-page issue of Der Schulungsbrief starts with an excerpt of an anti-Jewish 24 February 1942 speech by Hitler, followed by very anti-Semitic articles about the importance of race with titles like Victory of Racial Strength, The Racial Mindset in Europe, Eternal Victory of the Power of Race, the American Melting Pot, Intermixing of Race in Eastern Europe, and more. |
This World War II German magazine contains a striking full-page illustration of a painting of Adolf Hitler by Rudolf Gerhard Zill and sculptures by Josef Thorak and Arno Breker.
Both extremely anti-Jewish Nazi Party magazines are complete and in good used condition. No odor.
A separate section gives a recap of “Racial Laws” and “Genetic Cleansing” laws in force around the world. The article makes a point of saying that 29 of the 48 states of the United States had laws that allowed them to use sterilization to control the passing down of unwanted characteristics like idiocy, etc.
A final article covers “Jewish Expulsions in World History”. Inside the back cover is a fine advertisement for the Jubiläumsausgabe or the fancy 50th birthday edition of Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
This lot of two original issues of Der Schulungsbrief is ** SOLD **.
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