HJ Hitler Youth items for sale on USMBOOKS.com
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1935 Nazi school reading book, Gute Kameraden
** SOLD **
Heimstätten des deutschen Sozialismus, Reichsverband für deutsche Jugendherbergen
A rare and informative 1936 photo publication highlighting the construction of new German Youth Hostels, 'opened in the service of the young Nation’ that should be considered the 'central point of the youth culture' in Nazi Germany.
Deutschland ruft euch!, Germany Calls You!
Deutschland ruft euch!, a Nazi youth photo publication given to boys and girls
leaving high school in preparation for the new chapter of their life as part of
'the mighty army of productive members of Greater German society'.
Deutsche Jugend Mein Führer - Fips illustrations
Deutsche Jugend, Dein Führer, book 1 from the new Nazi children’s book series Der Junge Staat (The Young Nation) with illustrations by infamous German illustrator Fips.
Nazi school book Rhein-Ruhr Fibel
** SOLD **
Junge Heimat, KLV Lesestunde Heft 2 1944
Junge Heimat, issue 2 of 1944 produced for evacuated children at KLV camps
in Nazi Germany, with stories, puzzles, brainteasers, songs, riddles and
even a sewing pattern for KLV barracks slippers.
1942 HJ Reichssportwettkampf
Official rules, regulations and guidelines for Der Reichssportwettkampf der Hitler-Jugend, published by the Leadership of the Hitler Youth in Berlin on 1 February 1942.
Frohes Schaffen - Das Jahrbuch der deutschen Jugend der Ostmark 1941
** SOLD **
Ränzlein 1942, Ein Jahrbüchlein für die deutsche Jugend
The 1942 Yearbook for German Youth with many illustrations of HJ boys and BdM
girls published by the German Youth Hostel Association (DJH) called
Ränzlein 1942, Ein Jahrbüchlein für die deutsche Jugend
Die Jüngsten der Luftwaffe 1941 HJ aviation photo book
A Hitler Youth photo book about the technical education of future members of the Luftwaffe called Die Jüngsten der Luftwaffe, a 1941 edition with its original dust jacket.
Summer 1941 BdM-Werk Glaube und Schönheit educational publication
An original illustrated BdM Glaube und Schönheit (Belief and Beauty) educational publication from the summer of 1941 encouraging loyalty, courage,
discretion, the duty of labor, responsibility for family, community and
the German Nation, and other important things for Jungmädel to know.
Nazi BdM girl education, indoctrination
** SOLD **
Two Nazi books of patriotic and National Socialist poems and songs,
The Flag of the Persecuted People
and The Song of the Faithful,
by Hitler Youth Leader Baldur von Schirach.
Hitler Youth sonbook, Lieder der HJ
Dozens and dozens of songs important to the Hitler Youth in a 1934 Nazi songbook called Uns geht die Sonne nicht unter, as published by HJ-Obergebiet West in Duisburg.
1933 HJ newspaper DIE FANFARE
A very rare heavily illustrated May 1933 Hitler Youth newspaper called DIE FANFARE - KAMPFSCHRIFT DER HITLER-JUGEND published in HJ Gebiet Westfalen-Niederrhein.
1943 Neuer deutscher Jugendfreund Band 92
Volume 92 of Neuer deutscher Jugendfreund, an illustrated 1943 book
produced to entertain, inspire and teach young Germans.
Der Merker 1940, the youth yearbook of the Volksbund für das Deutschtum
im Ausland
(VDA or National Association for Germanness Abroad).
HJ eagle and swastika NSDAP Gau Franken
A pristine example of the rare HJ Gau Franken publication Führerdienst der
Fränkischen Hitler-Jugend
published by NSDAP Gebietsführung Franken
as guidance for Hitler Youth Leadership. Only 1735 were ever printed!
1938 Sieger-Urkunde Braunschweig
An original Third Reich victory certificate issued to Gisela Kausche who won the Braunschweig school championship 50 meter swim on 28 June 1938.
1943 OKH Heeres-Hefte für die Hitler-Jugend
** SOLD **
"Homes of the Hitler Youth", a heavily illustrated overview of the
design, construction and uses of HJ homes.
Rare HJ Administration Service Regulations, BdM Leadership publications
and Die Mädelschaft on the youth of Adolf Hitler - 5 illustrated publications.
SS helmet
Miscellaneous heavily illustrated 1938 and 1939 issues of the rare monthly
Hitler-Jugend magazine Unsere Fahne (Our Flag)
Reichsminister Dr. Wilhelm Frick
Rare UNUSED example of Der Merker Schülerkalender des VDA 1936, a pocket
size, heavily illustrated almanac type Nazi school calendar for VDA members.
A selection of Third Reich plans for model rockets, airplane
and Kriegsmarine ships.