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Other articles in these nine consecutive 1938 issues of the Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung cover the Spanish Civil War, drive-in movie theaters in the United States (left) , a long car trip through Africa, Heldengedenktag on 13 March 1938, the judicial system in the USA, the Poland-Lithuania conflict, the Leipziger Messe, black models in the US (“cousins of slaves”), the prison camp at Wöllersdorf-Trutzdorf near Vienna (where Austrian Nazis were imprisoned before the Anschluss), American Indians, Eternal Rome, a Bücker Student plane trip from Berlin to Khartoum in Africa, Adolf Hitler’s birthday, and even the première of Leni Riefenstahl’s documentary film Olympia at the Ufa Palast in Berlin attended by Hitler and Goebbels.

The Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung (Berlin Illustrated Newspaper) was Germany’s largest weekly photo newspaper published in Reichshauptstadt Berlin by Ullstein AG, and was read by just about everybody in the capital of and throughout Nazi Germany. Each 10 x 14 inch issue contained the very latest news, photographs and information gathered from around the world including the most important features from the United States and England. The excellent weekly was sold for only 20 Reichspfennigs, the equivalent of 8 US cents.
Offered on this USMBOOKS web page are all issues of Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung published between 3 March and 28 April of the year 1938. The nine consecutive issues are complete and in nice condition and have a total of 360 heavily illustrated photo pages!
These issues of the Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung also contain short stories, crossword puzzles, timely jokes and cartoons as well as cultural news and pictures of German and foreign movie stars, European royalty and foreign politicians.
Naturally, Nazi Party Führer and German Chancellor Adolf Hitler is prominently featured in every issue, heard from and seen in his role as leader of the government.
Every issue in this lot contains news and extensive photo coverage of the historic events surrounding the reunification of Austria with Nazi Germany in March and April 1938. Hitler’s return to his homeland, his two visits to Vienna, Hermann Göring and Joseph Goebbels in Vienna, German citizens in Cameroon casting their votes, and Dr. Goebbels announcing the results of the plebiscite at the Deutschlandhalle in Berlin, and the creation of “Eternal Greater Germany.”
Right, a picture from the coverage about preparations for
Adolf Hitler's state visit to Italy showing the huge Fascist triumphal arch in Napels.
Below, SA Chief Viktor Lutze visits the grave of Nazi martyr Horst Wessel, called 'the Singer of the Movement' in the caption. |
Aside from Hitler, many prominent Nazis are featured like Hermann Göring, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Dr. Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Josef Bürckel, etc. There is photo coverage of an official Nazi Party gathering at the
Führerbau in Munich showing Rudolf Hess, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Baldur von Schirach, Viktor Lutze and Franz Xaver Schwarz.
The Day of the Luftwaffe coverage has a picture of Hitler promoting Hermann Göring to
Above, an advertisement by the Bandfabrik Ewald Vorsteher. The trade name BEVO was a contraction of four letters in the name of the company (B, E, Vo).
There are also two features with superb sketches by famous artist Hans Liska. One is about the Byrd Expedition to the South Pole and the other shows the reconstruction plans of the Charlottenburger Allee in Berlin into the Ost-West-Achse (right).
This lot of nine 86 year old issues of Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung is in very nice condition. The tabloid newspapers have no odor and contain a treasure trove of news and pictures early in the year 1938 in Nazi Germany! Many interesting issues are often offered at prices up to $25.00 each.
There is advertising for all sorts of German consumer products from cigarettes to toothpaste and binoculars to ladies underwear, hair dye to razor blades: Nivea, Steiff, Miele, Siemens, Dr. Oetker, Reetsma, 4711, Palmolive, Alpecin, Untersberg, Bols, Exakta, ALA, BV Aral,
Klepper-Werke, Reichslotterie, Kienzle, Junghans, Shell and Mobil Oil, Olympia typewriters, Blaupunkt, Agfa, Zeiss, Zündapp, Gold-Pfeil, and several Gold Dollar 'American Blend' cigarette ads (one featuring a cowboy is shown above). Note the swastika flags in the Wybert advertising below. During WW2 their ads featured marching Wehrmacht soldiers. The company still sells the same minty black diamond shaped cough lozenges today.

These newspapers also contain many photos and their captions which updated less important but timely news such as the Adolf Hitler’s gathering with his Old Guard at the Hofbräuhaus in Munich, SA Chief Viktor Lutze at the grave of Horst Wessel, Hollywood stuntmen, Japanese war correspondent pictures taken in China, Marlene Dietrich, the 20th anniversary of the death of Manfred von Richthofen, floods in Arkansas, legs of New York showgirls, the 80th birthday of Max Planck, Max Schmeling vs. Steve Dudas in Hamburg, a cemetery on Broadway in NYC, Joachim von Ribbentrop’s birthday, Italian Balilla kids, and “How to Make French Soldiers out of Boschnegern” (below).
This lot of nine original March and April 1938 issues of Berliner
Illustrierte Zeitung is for sale
for $149.95 plus postage (options below).
• Add $15.50 for Priority Mail shipping with online tracking OR $8.95 for Media Mail. |
• IF you wish to purchase highly recommended, but optional insurance, add $3.50. |
• We will be happy to ship abroad at additional cost, however foreign customers are
responsible for any VAT payments, import duties & customs clearing fees. Please inquire. |