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Der Sieg im Westen or "Victory in the West" is a superb hardcover Nazi photo book about the Wehrmacht invasion and victories in Holland, Belgium and France by Friedrich Heiss. This 8-¾ x 9-¼ inch, 300 page hardcover book has a foreign policy introduction by Dr. Günther Lohse and military and political commentary by Generalmajor Rudolf Ritter von Xylander.
Der Sieg im Westen is the largest of four special photo books depicting Nazi victories and starts with portions of Hitler's July 1940 address to the Reichstag or Parliament after the victorious invasion of western Europe. The book starts with many detailed maps of progress during the brief but stunning Blitzkrieg between 10 May and the third week of June 1940. This includes an interesting and historical map showing the pushing back of English troops in Belgium and France, resulting in enormous losses in the debacle at Dunkirk.
This is followed by speeches Hitler gave to his soldiers on the west front and the German Nation on 5 June 1940, the cover page of the 17 June issue Berliner Illustrierte newspaper announcing that the French had stopped fighting, the negotiations of the Armistice at Compiègne on 21 June 1940, and then 260+ pages of photographs taken by SS and Wehrmacht Kriegsberichter or war correspondents on the scene during the invasion of the west!
Photos show Wehrmacht soldiers marching and fighting, Nazi paratroopers in Rotterdam, Eben-Emael fortress and the Albert Canal, blown up bridges in Holland, Belgium and France, Nazi tanks entering Malmedy in Belgium (where ethnic Germans welcomed them with Nazi swastika flags), Flak guns and grenade launchers, Waffen-SS troops, battle damage, the Dutch capitulation, Nazi troops on bicycle, wounded Wehrmacht soldiers, Dr. Fritz Todt wearing a Luftwaffe general's coat and visor cap with a driver wearing a NSKK coffee can cap, Nazi soldiers raising the swastika flag over the Belgian royal palace, General Guderian, Generaloberst von Reichenau, fleeing civilians, Luftwaffe pilots on the ground and in the air, Dutch, English and black French POWs, Hitler visiting his troops in France, Dunkirk destroyed after the fierce battle, soldier graves, victorious German troops entering Paris, Wehrmacht marching past the French "They Shall Not Pass" WWI memorial in Verdun, a German and a Swiss soldier chatting at a Swiss border crossing, and a bugle call to signal the official end of the war in the west.

The photos in this book are excellent and many are not found in other Third Reich photo books. They are gritty and show German men, their military equipment and the battle up-close, as well as the logistical challenges of moving equipment and men in across rivers and rough terrain.
There are several photos of the Armistice at Compiègne of Hitler, Goering, Von Ribbentrop, Raeder and Marshal Foch and the French delegation and the last photograph in the book is dated 6 July 1940. It shows Hitler on the balcony of the Reichschancellery in Berlin greeting a huge crowd celebrating victory on the Wilhelmplatz.
Published by Volk und Reich Verlag in Prague in 1943, this 77 year old example of Der Sieg im Westen is complete and in used condition, no odor. Some damage to the spine which can be seen in the photo of the cover at the top of this USMBOOKS web page. This damage does not affect the interior pages.
Shown right is the interesting and historic, hand-signed dedication on the front flyleaf commemorating "War Christmas 1944" by an Unteroffizierkorps at the
Kriegsmarine Officer Naval Academy at Mürwik. It is interesting to note that this was also the location where the final government of Nazi Germany, the "Flensburg Government" headed by Admiral Dönitz, was located from 3 - 8 May 1945 (less than five months later)!

This superb 1943 Nazi photo book Der Sieg im Westen is ** SOLD **
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