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Die Nationale Revolution in Deutschland, ein Gedenkbuch in Bildern translates as “The National Revolution in Germany, a Commemorative Picture Book” and was one of the first books published after the National Socialists were elected to power and Hitler became Chancellor in Germany in 1933.

The 96-page book starts with the speech President Paul von Hindenburg gave in Potsdam on 21 March 1933, as well as Adolf Hitler’s words after he officially became Reichskanzler or Reichschancellor. This six-page text portion of the book is followed by 80 thick glossy photo pages showing Adolf Hitler in civilian clothes and uniforms, Hitler with Ernst Röhm, with Hermann Göring, Dr. Goebbels and Rudolf Hess (in SS uniform), during National Day of Mourning events with President von Hindenburg, Dr. Joseph Goebbels and Crown Prince Wilhelm, Hermann Göring with Crown Prince Wilhelm, Prince August Wilhelm (“Auwi” in his SA uniform), Hitler greeting SA-Obergruppenführer and police official Graf Helldorf, Hitler and Goebbels at the grave of Horst Wessel, Reichskommissar Ritter Franz von Epp, and many photos taken during the events surrounding “Potsdam Day” and the opening of the new Reichstag (Parliament) session.
There are photo portraits of members of the new Hitler Cabinet: Reichsminister Hermann Göring, Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen, Dr. Wilhelm Frick, Franz Seldte, Freiherr von Neurath, Freiherr von Blomberg, Graf Schwerin von Krosigk, Dr. Franz Gürtner, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, etc.
The National Revolution also resulted in a new cabinet in Bavaria
which included Reichskommissar Ritter Franz von Epp, Ernst Röhm and Hans Frank (see photo below).

Other pictures show Hitler surrounded by saluting fans and followers amidst seas of swastika flags, Hitler signing autographs, giving speeches, during large and small Nazi rallies, the new Hitler cabinet and Hitler waving from the Reichschancellery window and the provisional Bavarian cabinet featuring Ernst Röhm.
Die Nationale Revolution in Deutschland ends with a photo of Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler addressing Parliament for the first time on 23 March 1933 (shown below). The caption translates as “The path is clear for the work of people’s chancellor Adolf Hitler. The is seen Reichschancellor during the presentation of the Enabling Act to Parliament on 23 March 1933. It passed with an overwhelming majority of 441 to 94 votes.”

Die Nationale Revolution in Deutschland has photos by Associated Press, Transocean, Weltbild, Scherls Bilderdienst, Wide World and other photo agencies (but NOT Heinrich Hoffmann!) and was published by Wilhelm Kohler Verlag of Minden (Westfalen) in 1933 just before control of such publications became the sole responsibility of the NSDAP. This example comes with its original dust jacket which has a striking Nazi swastika flag / Reichsflagge design by Argo Schkopp.
This rare 7-¼ x 10 inch, 91 year old Nazi photo book is complete and in very good condition with a tight spine and no odor, but it has an old discolored European clear tape repair on one side of text page 7 - 8.
Die Nationale Revolution in Deutschland is
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