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We acquire a great many lots of material which include photo albums and loose Third Reich photographs. Some of the photos photo sets are entirely unrelated to other subject matter but are unique enough in their individual content to warrant listing them alone as separate lots for sale. Their appeal may be to historians, authors, publishers, TV program and motion picture producers, museums, highly specialized collectors, etc. If there is information on the back of photos we will mention it, but generally there is little else we can tell you about the who-where-when of the photos. The condition of each photo is as depicted.
SHIPPING by 1st Class Mail to any address in the United States is included with the purchase of two or more photo lots. Postage for one photo lot is $3.95. Foreign buyers please inquire.
Pz 6: right - a genuine Third Reich candid photo of a man in a Panzer wrap jacket with a Nazi Armored Assault Badge and a Wound Badge. Note the skull and cross bones on the collar of the Panzer wrap. The date 1944 is written in pencil on the back. Measures 3-1/2 x 4-5/8 inches.
$18.50. (postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page).
AB2: right - a 3-3/8 x 5-3/8 inch Nazi photo showing two babies held by two women in front of three other women and three men in Nazi uniforms. On the back somebody wrote "In memory of the baptism of little Edda on 16 July 1939" and Pg. Blockleiter Hoffmann, who might be one of the uniformed men in the photo. Nice used 79 year old condition.
$ SOLD $. (postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page).
P 139A, B, C: right & below - three genuine Third Reich deckle edge photographs each measuring 2-3/8 x 3-1/2 inches.
The US Lines ship Manhattan is shown, as well as a group of people who sailed on the test trip to Hamburg, according to a handwritten note on the back of P139A. The photos were printed by Foto Plankstadt in the port city of Wilhelmshaven.
All three in good used condition.
(postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page)..
P174: right - a genuine Third Reich deckle edge candid photo from a negative of four members of the Wehrmacht in front of a café in France.
The 2-1/2 x 3-3/8 inch photo is printed on Gevaert Ridax paper. There is a handwritten note on the back which we can not read.
$ SOLD $ (postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page).
ERZ: right is an original Third Reich snapshot measuring 3-3/8 x 5-3/8 inch of a group of Wehrmacht soldiers in front of a religious shrine. The slogan on the wall translates as "Work and don't Dispair."
Blank back, very good condition.
$ SOLD $.
(postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page).
L10: right - a genuine Third Reich deckle edge snapshot of a Wehrmacht NCO standing on a snowy sidewalk with a small suitcase in his left hand. The photo has a postcard-type back which has the notation 42/3 in pencil.
$ SOLD $.
(postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page).
MTB: left - genuine Third Reich snapshot of a young Gebirgsjäger who had his photo taken in front of a cloth background with swans on it. Note his dirty lace up mountain trooper boots with hob nails on the bottom. This genuine 89 x 138 mm Nazi photo is printed on LEONAR paper and has a postcard back. It was never mailed but a child scribbled all over the back in pencil.
$ 18.95.
(postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page).
P134: left - a genuine genuine Third Reich deckle edged candid photographic image from a negative of Wehrmacht soldiers on a farm in Belgium. One of them is attempting to milk a Belgian cow.
Blank back except for the word "Belgien" written on it with a fountain pen. Measures about 2-1/2 x 3-3/8 inches
$ SOLD $ (postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page)..

PRESS: A rare original Third Reich press photo taken during the funeral procession of Albanus Schachleitner which shows his coffin covered by a large swastika flag being pulled by horses through the streets of Munich. Schachleitner was a priest who met Hitler in 1923. He was an outspoken National Socialist and Hitler admirer for which he was expelled from the Catholic church. Hitler ordered financial assistance, and a fancy funeral after his death at age 76 in June 1937.
This 4-3/4 x 6-1/2 inch original photo was used by Scherl Bilderdienst of Berlin and is dated 22 June 1937. The original Third Reich note attached to the back has an explanation of the photo and the number 45576 which was supposed to be mentioned when it was used in print.
$ SOLD $. (postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page).
WO33: this 5 x 6-7/8 inch photo shows a swastika banner hanging from the famous opera building in Vienna. It was taken during a parade or film event as a film camera on a tripod can be seen in the bottom right corner.
The photo is in very good used condition with the 3-1/2 inch wide stamp of the photographer and a handwritten caption on the back. See below.
(postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page).
BURG: this original Third Reich photo was given as a reminder to a KdF / DAF performance at the Burgtheater in Vienna on 27 February 1944, according to a handwritten note on the back of the 90x 139 mm photo. Note the double-eagle Vienna coat of arms on the banners hanging from the trumpets and the huge DAF banners with swastika and cog wheel in the background.
Psb: left - this Nazi snapshot shows a cute young blond German boy dressed in a miniature Navy uniform standing on a patio table. This original 3-3/8 x 5 inch Third Reich snapshot was once glued into a photo album and has four small glue spots on the back.
Nice used condition, exactly as shown.
(postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page).
LH5: left, a family photo of a Luftwaffe Unterfeldwebel surrounded by his parents and two sisters. Marked Voigtländer on the back and somebody wrote '1944 Easter' in German on the back as well. Very good condition.
$ SOLD $
(postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page)..
KasSb: above - an interesting photo taken in November 1939 next to a bridge over the Werra river valley on the Reichsautobahn Kassel-Salzburg, according to the handwritten note in pencil on the back. Right, we show a close-up of the uniformed men who are identified on the back, one of them a doctor and one a member of Organisation Todt.
This original 2-3/4 x 4
inch Third Reich photo is in nice condition, exactly as shown above.
$ SOLD $ (postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page).
HeilC: above, the original deckle edge Third Reich photograph shows motorists giving the Heil Hitler! salute to somebody or something passing by. We suspect the photos was taken in Vienna around the time of the Anschluss. This 85 x 135 mm Nazi photo has a postcard backing, but it was never mailed. Blank back. Condition exactly as shown.
$ 12.50. (postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page).
It is interesting to note that the Burgtheater and the Vienna City Opera (shown in photo WO33 above) were hit during an Allied bombing raid on 12 March 1944 and both buildings were heavily damaged. The KdF performance on 27 February may have been one of the last to take place! Condition exactly as shown.
$ SOLD $
(postage details are at the top of this USMBOOKS web page).
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