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Hunting has long been a favorite pastime of landowners and the wealthy in Germany and it continued to be popular among a broader but still elite group during the Third Reich of Adolf Hitler. Among the very best magazines available to hunters was the 9-3/4 x 13 inch, heavily illustrated bi-monthly Der Deutsche Jäger (The German Hunter) published by F.C. Mayer Verlag of München and Berlin, Germany.
Each issue of Der Deutsche Jäger covered all that was new in the hunting world and in the paramilitary Deutsche Jägerschaft (DJ or German Hunting Association). The magazine also provided advertising that led the reader to sources for things like swords and daggers, shotguns, rifles, pistols, gun powder, mountain shoes, binoculars, uniforms, travel, cigars, jewelry, automobiles, places to stay, taxidermists, a new spouse, as well a wide range of other hunting equipment and services.

Many subscribers to Der Deutsche Jäger during the Nazi era had their illustrated bi-monthly magazines hard bound as books and this was almost always done without the advertising portion of the magazine (which was printed separately and inserted in the magazine, not bound in) as that section was 'time sensitive'. Some member of the DJ or a DJ library had this sturdy 9 x 12 inch hardcover book made to preserve the Kurze Nachrichten or "Short Announcements" inserts from Der Deutsche Jäger magazines from 10 April 1942 thru 26 March 1943. These 200 pages of advertising inserts were bound as a book during the Third Reich and have the same hard cover as the bound years of the hunting magazines we have sold in the past.

Aside from hunting and animal news from all over Greater Germany, official DJ notifications (above right) and information such as WHW charity collection dates, the Kurze Nachrichten in these war-time magazines contain news about military promotions as well as DJ member war dead; farmers and hunters, and even noblemen from different Jagdgaue in Nazi Germany who had died for Führer und Vaterland while serving in the Waffen-SS, Luftwaffe or as Gebirgsjäger on the East Front, for example.
Left is the announcement of death of Prince Gabriel Albert von Thurn und Taxis on 17 December 1942 at Stalingrad. His remains are still in a mass grave at the Rossoschka Deutscher Kriegsgräberfriedhof, the enormous German military cemetery near Volgograd (Stalingrad). Photo above for reference only.
Advertisers include firms like Walther, Gustloff-Werke, Loden-Frey, Agfa, Efasit, Sauer & Sohn, Hensoldt, Anton Wingen, Nimrod-Waffen, Rosenthal Porzellan, Deutsche Bank, Wanderer, Krupp, Steyr Daimler-Puch, Jägermeister, and manufacturers of flea and tick powder, goose feathers for comforters, animal traps, hearing aids, etc.
There are many ads for used weapons, and from people offering pure bread dogs for sale. There are also a few from men (15%) and many from ladies (85%) trying to find a spouse in a country at war, where a lot of those who went to serve never returned.
These ads are especially interesting because of the amount of personal data revealed by the person advertising for a spouse. Women often described themselves and their attributes in considerable detail in hopes of getting a response. One of the men who advertised mentioned that he was 30% disabled as a result of his military service (shown left).
Note in the photo below, the announcement of the death of Oberleutnant Josef Kiermeier, recipient of the German Cross in Gold! Google him for a lot more information and a photo of him in his Officer's uniform!
This bound volume also contains the important announcement that as of 1 April 1943 the two hunting magazines Der Deutsche Jäger and Deutsches Waidwerk would be combined, "to free up labor force".
Because these time sensitivity of the advertising inserts, they were rarely bound, or even saved with the magazines. These bound and well-preserved examples are a rare addition to any collection of German hunting material from the Third Reich period. Excellent condition, no odor.
Right, personal ads of men and women looking for a mate. Examples are a 59 year old early Nazi Party member and widower with a young heart is looking for a companion for life between the age of 45 and 55 who has to be healthy, nature loving, a tidy Hausfrau, and preferably with assets. There is the "daughter of a duck farmer", a "nature loving nurse in her early forties", a "fun, 28-year old 5 ft 8 blond daughter of a forester", a "pretty, slim and hard-working 40 year old woman with a house", a "24 year old widow looking for a man with character to correspond with and possible marriage in the future" (widower with child not a problem), or a "26 year old property owner with fine character and impeccable background looking for a companion of similar background with a love of nature and hunting ."

These interesting and historic bound advertising and DJ notification
of war-time issues of Der Deutsche Jäger are ** SOLD **
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