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The Germans administered the Generalgouvernement as “colonial territory” and the ultimate goal was the Germanization of the area, and gradually reducing the freedom and movement of non-Germans such as Jews, Russians and gypsies. The economic benefits and cheap labor were also very attractive to individuals among the German occupiers such as entrepreneurs like Oskar Schindler.
Offered for sale on this USMBOOKS web page is Das General-Gouvernement, a very interesting 1942 Nazi book by Max Freiherr du Prel. Du Prel was a Munich lawyer, and from 1933 onward editor of the Nazi Party newspaper Völkischer Beobachter. He also served as head of the Press Department of the Bund Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Juristen, and in 1938 he received the Nazi Party rank of Reichshauptstellenleiter. From October 1939 onward he was a high-ranking official in the administration of the Generalgouvernement of Reichsminister Dr. Frank.
After the speedy Wehrmacht victory in Poland in the fall of 1939, the country was divided into three zones: Polish land annexed by Nazi Germany in the west, Polish areas annexed by the Soviet Union in the east, and the Generalgouvernement in the center, headed by General Governor Dr. Hans Frank.
.... a Jewish work detail carrying shovels, pretty scenery in different areas of the Generalgouvernement, and even a fairly low ranking leader of the Building Service of the Generalgouvernement wearing a very fancy diplomatic corps style visor cap with his uniform (shown above)!
Inside the back cover the frequently missing 12-½ x 13-¾ inch fold-out map of the Generalgouvernement is still there. It shows borders, Nazi district borders, railways, and cities large and small. On the western edge of the map, the town names are shown in German (Krakau, Gleiwitz, Auschwitz, Litzmannstadt, Danzig), but when looking further east, only larger cities are spelled in German (Lemberg for example, now Lviv in Ukraine).
This First Edition of Das General-Gouvernement was published by Konrad Triltsch of Würzburg in 1942. This 82 year old example has a maroon linen spine and is in nice used condition. Tight spine, no writing, no odor.

Researchers and historians would be most interested in the extensive list of official Nazi department offices in the Generalgouvernement, from central government offices in Krakau to NSDAP District administrative leadership, local Police and SS officials (for example, SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Polizei Globocnik in Lublin), labor offices, Deutsche Post administrative offices, etc.
The territory was made up of the land area that became Poland after World War I, including parts of Ukraine, parts of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, and German Silesia. This area was heavily damaged during World War I, became even more rundown during the the time it was an independent Poland, and badly damaged again during the 1939 Wehrmacht and Soviet army invasion and division of Poland. After the start of Operation Barbarossa in June 1941, the Generalgouvernement became a lot bigger as Russian occupied Poland, Galicia and additional parts of what is now Ukraine were added to it. Those areas had however, sustained additional damage during the June 1941 battles between German and Russian forces.
Above, text that explains the mission and cooperation of
the men of the SS, Ordnungspolizei, Sicherheitspolizei
and Sicherheitsdienst after Polish defeat in October 1939.
The Poles are described as violent and as
and were subdued by courage and
determination of the German police force.
The picture above shows a Jewish labor detail. The text of this book is very anti-Jewish and points out that Jews are lazy and that many had never performed manual labor.
The population statistics for each city mentioned divide its citizens in Germans, Poles, Ukrainians and Jews. Sometimes there is also a number for “others”. There is also very interesting information about improving production output of former state monopolies in the tobacco, salt, brandy, mineral oil, sugar and wood industries.
Contributors were high-ranking Nazis such as Head of Government State Secretary Dr. Josef Bühler, SS-Obergruppenführer and Police General Wilhelm Krüger (head of the SS and Police in Krakau) and a long list of Nazi District and Department Leaders writing about their field of expertise in the Generalgouvernement.

Das General-Gouvernement has 18 maps and 81 illustrations that accompany chapters on the make-up of the population of (the former) Poland, NSDAP labor operations, road construction, city planning, railway expansion, agriculture, postal service, currency, education, forestry, sport, healthcare, introducing a social services network, and Red Cross operations in the Generalgouvernement.
This 6-½ x 9-¼ inch, 1-1/4 inch thick hardcover book has 404 pages plus 34 glossy art paper pages with unique photos. They include portraits of Adolf Hitler and Hans Frank but also show the victory parade in Warsaw after Polish surrender in October 1939, Jews in Lublin, ethic Germans from Wolhynien returning to Nazi Germany through the Przemysl border crossing, road construction, polish farm workers, a Polish market filled with horses and wagons of merchandise, historic Germanic architecture, bridge construction, Adolf-Hitler-Square in Lublin, war damage in Warsaw, the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw, .....
Also for sale on USMBOOKS.com, the 1942 Hoffmann photo book
about occupied German territories in the East planned to become just
as 'German' as the Fatherland , the rare publication
Die Burg
which covered everything from art and population
to traffic
and roads in the Generalgouvernement, as well as the
1939 Nazi anti-Polish propaganda book Polen oder Pollacken?
We are happy to combine shipping of multiple purchases!
This fascinating 1942 First Edition of Das General-Gouvernement is for
for $185.00 delivered by Media Mail in the continental USA.
USM book # 1356
• IF you prefer faster and safer Priority Mail shipping with USPS Tracking add $9.45. |
• IF you wish to purchase highly recommended, but optional insurance, add $3.50. |
• We will be happy to ship abroad at additional cost, however foreign customers are
responsible for any VAT payments, import duties & customs clearing fees. Please inquire. |
Das General-Gouvernement was published in 1942 by order of Reichsminister and Generalgouverneur Dr. Hans Frank who also wrote the foreword. According to Frank, the purpose of the book was to give a complete overview of the formation and continuing development of the Generalgouvernement. Starting at the end of October 1939, efforts began to introduce German order and make the area an economic power within Greater Germany. Frank was convinced that by introducing German organization and administration, German law and National Socialist views among the population, result would show great potential.
Frank also stated that he hoped that this book would create understanding in the homeland for the difficult task under way in the Ostlisches Vorfeld des Reiches, the eastern regions of the Reich.