This fine original half-leather Munich wedding edition of Mein Kampf
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This is an original half-leather hardbound 1942 edition of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. It is a “War Edition”, the words Kriegs Ausgabe are stamped into the lower spine. At the time of the printing of this edition there were over 8,400,000 copies of Mein Kampf in print, among the very best-selling books in the world!
This is a very good used 5 x 7-½ inch, 784 page example of the classic edition - parchment-like hard covers, blue leather spine with gold blocking and it is complete with the sepia toned Hitler frontispiece portrait. It has a gold emboss of the Third Reich swastika coat of arms of München, “Capital of the Nazi Movement” on the front cover.
The buyer of this book will receive the fine replica of a Third Reich
advertising publicity brochure shown left, published at the time (mid-1938) when four million copies of
Mein Kampf had been printed.
Following the front end paper there is a dedication page (above) with the signature of Oberbürgermeister (Lord Mayor) Karl Fiehler, showing that this book was to be presented by the city of München to newlyweds on 18 December 1943 (the date is handwritten, not printed). The couple may have changed their mind or perhaps the book was set aside because of slight damage to the monk’s head in the gold embossed Munich city Wappen or shield on the front cover. |

This 82 year old German book was brought to the United States at the end of World War II by a veteran of Battery C of the 392nd Field Artillery Battalion, a unit of the 42nd Infantry (Rainbow) Division. The Division was in Bavaria in April of 1945 and liberated around 30,000 inmates from Dachau Concentration Camp on the north side of Munich.
By the end of the war, the 42nd Division had established an enviable record. It was first in its corps to enter Nazi Germany, first to penetrate the Siegfried Line and first into Munich. Rainbow Division soldiers seized over 6,000 square miles of Nazi held territory during their march across Europe. A great deal of the history of this notable American Division can be found on the internet.
The veteran wrote personal property information inside the front cover (shown above). Since books did not require “capture papers” to send them home, it is very rare to find the identification of the capturing unit in any Nazi book, but it certainly does lend a nice provenance to this rare piece, and it does not devalue it in any way.
This 1942 edition of Mein Kampf was published by the Central Publishing House of the Nazi Party, Franz Eher Successors in München (Munich) and printed by Buchgewerbehaus M. Müller & Son of Munich. In the back it has advertising for other editions of Mein Kampf as well as books by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Dr. Robert Ley, Hermann Goering, Alfred Rosenberg, R. Walther Darré and Baldur von Schirach.
This war-time wedding edition of Mein Kampf is in nice used condition, exactly as shown. It has no loose pages or breaks in the spine and has no odor.
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