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Offered for sale on this USMBOOKS web page is an excellent booklet from the series published in 1940 called Drauf und Dran! Unsere Luftwaffe am Feind (Up and At 'em! Our Air Force Attacking the Enemy). This 6 x 8-1/4 inch Kleine Kriegshefte number 2 contains 32 heavily illustrated pages telling the interesting story of the might of the German Luftwaffe.

Drauf und Dran! Unsere Luftwaffe am Feind starts with excerpts from a 1939/40 New Year's speech by Air Minister Hermann Göring in which he warned Great Britain. The invasion of Poland showed how strong and effective the German Luftwaffe was, that German fighter planes are 'eying' war actions by Great Britain and that they were only awaiting a go-ahead by the Führer to bomb England!
Chapters cover the strength of the Luftwaffe ("the spirit of the flying heroes of World War I has come back in modern Luftwaffe pilots"), low altitude flying over France, flying in British weather, modern military airplanes and pilots, aviation terms explained, Luftwaffe planes above the English Channel, famous Nazi Jagdgeschwader, flying formations, Scapa Flow, etc.
This nearly 80 year old example of Drauf und Dran! Unsere Luftwaffe am Feind is in very good, little-used- condition. No odor.
During World War II the Zentralverlag der NSDAP or Central Publishing House of the Nazi Party, published a series of Kleine Kriegsheften or Small War Booklets on many different military and political subjects, and they were always written for consumption by the common Landser or soldier.
The last page in the book has the lyrics to the Wilhelm Stoeppler song Bomben auf Engeland and the back page has illustrations of Deutsche Kriegsflugzeuge such as the Dornier Do 17, the Messerschmitt Jäger Me 109, the Kampfflugzeug Heinkel He 111, the Ju 87 and the Fieseler Storch Fi 156.
Photos show Nazi Feldmarschall Hermann Goering, Luftwaffe pilots in their airplanes, FLAK installations, Messerschmitt airplane production in the factory, the Luftwaffe above the English Channel, an RAF Blenheim plane, a Luftwaffe pilot with the squadron mascot dog, Oberstleutnant Schumacher, pilots dining at their airfields, etc.
This Nazi propaganda book on the mighty Luftwaffe is **SOLD**.
USM book #973
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