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Reichsstatthalter Gauleiter Jakob Sprenger: Lebensbild eines Gefolgsmannes Adolf Hitlers (Reichsstatthalter and Gauleiter Jakob Sprenger: the Life of a Follower of Adolf Hitler) is a very rare Nazi photo book by well-known anti-Semitic Nazi politician and author Franz Hermann Woweries. In 1931 Woweries became the Gaupropagandaleiter der NSDAP in Gau Hessen-Nassau and when he wrote this book, he was the head of the Gau Hesse-Nassau Press Office as well.

This rare book starts with a short history about the area that encompasses NSDAP Gau Hesse-Nassau, Sprenger’s service in World War I, his role in the rise of the Nazi Party, and Sprenger’s answers to 15 questions. One question for example, asked his reason for joining the Nazi Party, another asked about his important work as a civil servant, highlights from his World War I service, his views on the Hitler Youth, agricultural policies, and so on. The author also accompanied Sprenger during the last week of the election cycle in November 1933 and describes the busy travel schedule, speeches, rallies and meet-and-greet events with his constituents, combined with his regular duties of Gauleiter and Reichsstatthalter.
There are speech excerpts and this original Third Reich book has fine photos of many sights in the Rhine - Main area of Germany as well as photos of Sprenger with Adolf Hitler, with Fritz Todt, Reichsminister Darré, with his constituents and German children, during visits to Munich and Nuremberg, with his wife, with HJ-Leaders, SA and SS men, visiting his parents grave, Reichsautobahn construction sites, during WHW charity events, Nazi rallies, job obligations, and so on.

The subject of this book, Jakob Sprenger, started life as a postal inspector, served in World War I and founded the Frankfurter Volksblatt newspaper in 1930 (author Woweries was the Editor). He joined the Nazi Party in the early 1920s and rose through the ranks of the NSDAP from regional leader to Gauleiter in 1927. He was a member of the Frankfurt City Council and the Nazi faction leader in municipal and provincial governments. In September 1930 he was elected to the Reichstag (National Parliament) for electoral constituency 19, Hessen-Nassau. On 1 January 1933, he became the Gauleiter of the unified Gau Hesse-Nassau and on 5 May 1933 he was appointed Reichsstatthalter (Governor) of the State of Hesse. He was promoted to SA-Obergruppenführer in 1938, and when the war broke out in September 1939 Sprenger was named National Defense Commissioner of Military District XII.

We know that at last two editions of this book were published by Verlag Beamtenpresse GmbH Berlin. This original 6-½ x 9-¼ inch, 112-page softcover example of Reichsstatthalter Gauleiter Jakob Sprenger: Lebensbild eines Gefolgsmannes Adolf Hitlers is undated. It has a striking red and black embossed Rhein-Main emblem on the front cover and comes with an original color dust jacket that has a photo of Jakob Sprenger with Adolf Hitler on the front and back.
On the front flyleaf is the stamp of the original owner of this book, the Nürnberg city office of the Reichsbund der deutschen Beamten.

This is a very rare, 86+ year old Nazi photo book about one of the lesser known, but very important and high-ranking, very anti-Semitic Nazi Party officials, in very nice used condition. The original dust jacket has a small piece missing in the center top of the front cover, but the book itself is complete, has a tight spine, and has no musty odor.
FYI: If you own the hardcover Nazi cigarette collector card album
Männer im Dritten Reich (Men of the Third Reich), Jakob Sprenger is on page 212.
Have a look at a fine photo book about Reichsleiter Dr. Ley, also
sale on USMBOOKS.com. We are happy to
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