A complete 1936 Olympiade Berlin Gedenkblatt or commemorate Olympic postage stamp sheet issued by the Deutsche Reichspost for the Summer Olympic Games, all stamps canceled on the final day of the Summer Olympics at the Olympic Stadium.
A nice used original Olympia-Schmuckblatt-Telegramm, a decorative telegram produced
by the Deutsche Reichspost especially for the 1936 Olympic Games in Nazi Germany.
An original Third Reich sheet of 52 unused Adolf Hitler postage stamps
in three denominations. |
A genuine 1946 German philatelic collectible produced to commemorate the first
anniversary of the liberation of Konzentrationslager Dachau (Dachau
Concentration Camp on the outskirts of Munich) by forces of the US 7th Army.
Adolf Hitler postage stamps, Generalgouvernement stamps and commemorative
sheets, NSDAP printed matter, postal cancellations from
Berchtesgaden, Munich, Krakau, Vienna, etc..
Five different examples of Führersonderbriefmarken, a block of four special Hitler
postage stamps, proceeds were used to fund cultural projects in Nazi Germany.
Original Third Reich postage stamps with historic event cancels
applied in different cities in Bohemia and Moravia in 1941 and 1942. |
Two lots of three Nazi automotive Deutsche Reichspost postage stamps cancelled at
the International
Automobile & Motorcycle Exhibition in Berlin in 1939. |
Original examples of the Schmuckblattelegramm that were
sold by the Deutsche Reichspost in the Third Reich Germany.
Seven sheets of New-Old-Stock, unused Feldpost stationary
that Nazi
military personnel could use to write to family and friends at no charge. |
Two original Deutsche Reichspost postage stamp blocks produced for the
1936 Olympic Games in Berlin - XI. Olympischen Spiele 1936 Berlin.
A selection of original Third Reich items related to the Adolf Hitler's freeway system:
covers from a Reichsautobahn construction company and Reichsautobahn HQ in
Berlin, the labor record of a freeway construction worker, postage stamps, etc.
Complete 1943 set of 12 military themed Deutsches Reich postage stamps.
Complete 1944 set of 13 military themed Grossdeutsches Reich postage stamps.