Wir arbeiten bei Junkers, an especially rare original Heinrich Hoffmann
photo book produced for the famous airplane manufacturer
Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke in 1943. |
Genuine 1938 and 1939 Heinrich Hoffmann book catalogs with order forms
advertising Adolf Hitler photo books or Bilddokumente vom Fuehrer. |
Original 1940 Hoffmann photo book about Dr. Ley, Reichsorganisationsleiter and DAF
Reichsleiter, the man who constructed the Ordensburgen, made the Volkswagen and
developed countless building projects throughout the Greater German Reich. |
The original 1942 Hoffmann photo book Deutscher Osten - Land der Zukunft,
with photos of
the German heritage and future in the newly occupied German territories in the East. |
A fine original 1938 First Edition of the Heinrich Heinrich Hoffmann photo book
Hitler in seiner Heimat with pictures of Hitler's triumphant return to
his homeland in the spring of 1938. |
A fine First Edition example of the 1941 Hoffmann book Für Hitler bis Narvik (For
Hitler to Narvik) with over 130 spectacular photos of the German campaign in Norway. |
Mit Hitler in Polen (With Hitler in Poland), an original Third Reich Hoffmann photo
book about the swift and successful 1939 Nazi Wehrmacht invasion of Poland. |
A rare illustrated Nazi guidebook for the Reichspostmuseum, the Nazi Postal Museum
in Berlin published by Heinrich Hoffmann Verlag in the late 1930s. |