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Hitler dining with members of his old Regiment
There was no more important magazine circulated in Nazi Germany than Der Hoheitsträger (The Standard Bearer). It was published during the Third Reich of Adolf Hitler for distribution to Gauleiters, Kreisleiters and some other high officials of the Nazi Party and its paramilitary organizations such as Generals of the SS, SA, NSFK, DAF, NSKK, etc. It was circulated to the Commandant and a select group of Officers at each of the Ordensburgen and to the highest ranking people in the Hitler Youth, Reichsarbeitsdienst, Deutsche Arbeitsfront, etc.
December 1940 Der Hoheitsträger, Folge 4/1940
Adolf Hitler quote
Supreme Commander of the Army, Field Marshal von Brauchitsch
Reichsorganisationsleiter Dr. Robert Ley. Adolf Hitler
The second article is by Reichsorganisationsleiter Dr. Robert Ley and is about his big social plans after the war was over. Also in this 80+ year old issue of Der Hoheitsträger is a speech by the Supreme Commander of the Army, Field Marshal von Brauchitsch that starts with, “My dear Reichsleiter und Gauleiter!" (shown above). Generalfeldmarschall von Brauchitsch gave the speech about solidarity and comradeship to the high-ranking Nazi leaders at Fontainebleau Palace near Paris on 4 October 1940. Another article compares price regulations during the first year of World War I and World War II, and there is also an article by Gauinspekteur Merzenich about the benefits for managers of portable writing folios.
Inside the back cover are instructions on how to distribute this issue of Der Hoheitsträger - from Gauleiter and Deputy Gauleiter all the way down to Ortsgruppenleiter and the Gau Student Leader. It is also repeated that the information published in Der Hoheitsträger should be considered confidential and should not be shared with non-leadership level people of the Nazi Party!

This 100% original 80+ year old issue of the Nazi Party Leadership educational magazine Der Hoheitsträger is complete and in very nice, little used condition. No writing, no odor.

If you do not collect Der Hoheitsträger magazines and you would like to own only one example, this is an excellent issue to own!
Der Hoheitstraeger Folge 4 1940
So limited was the circulation of this heavily illustrated Nazi Party magazine that on every issue there was a serial number printed across a pad of lines on the back cover (in this case, number 32595). Written in German across the bottom of the front cover of each issue was a statement that translates “Only For Service Use - Confidential”. Each issue contained very sensitive information about how to make the Nazi Party look better in the press and to the public, about Nazi ceremonies, Nazi organization, book reviews and even a critique of the Nazis themselves.

This is the original 9 x 12-5/8 inch, 24-page December 1940 issue of Der Hoheitsträger. After a patriotic expert from a speech by Hitler, the first article is called “Christmas Words 1940” by Franz Hermann Woweries, a German politician and Gaupresseamtsleiter and Gaupropagandaleiter der NSDAP in Hessen-Nassau. Woweries’ writing was so overtly National Socialist, that his work was put on the list of “Rejected Literature” in the Soviet Zone of Occupation of Germany after the end of World War II.
The magazine has photos of Dr. Robert Ley with Adolf Hitler, Hitler dining with members of his old Regiment, an enormous Christmas tree on Unter Den Linden in Berlin, a sculpted bust of Prussian General von Scharnhorst, and winter scenery.

Included with this 1940 winter issue is a Sonderdruck, or a specially printed 4-page cream-colored art folio with a story by poet Walter Flex called “The Christmas Fairytale of the 50th Regiment”. For reasons unknown, this magazine also includes a nice original 7-1/2 x 10-7/8 inch hand-done watercolor of the medieval fortress of Nürnberg by an artist named Händel. Really, quite a realistic and colorful view of the ancient and very important Nazi city.
This fine December 1940 issue of Nazi leadership magazine Der Hoheitsträger
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ISSUE 4, 1940

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