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There was no more important magazine circulated in Nazi Germany than Der Hoheitsträger (The Standard Bearers). It was published during the Third Reich for distribution to Gauleiters, Kreisleiters and other high officials of the Nazi Party and its paramilitary organizations such as Generals of the SS, SA, NSFK, NSKK, etc. It was circulated to the Commandant and a select group of Officers at each of the Ordensburgen and to the highest ranking people in the Hitler Youth, Reichsarbeitsdienst, Deutsche Arbeitsfront, etc. - people responsible for the entire “political appearance of the Nazi Movement” within their zones (Gau, Kreis, Ortsgruppe, etc.); people representing the Nazi Party at institutions that were responsible for setting the right example and behavior, maintaining discipline and order, as well as people supervising all party members in their spheres of responsibility. |

After decades in an archive in the High Plains Desert climate of the Black Hills in western South Dakota, these carefully stored 84 year old magazines are perfectly dry and have no offensive odor.
The seven 1939 issues in this lot are complete and in very good used condition. Folge 2 has a professionally replaced back cover.
Due to the outbreak of World War II, Volume 9 was the last issue published in 1939.
Above, Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg arrives for his visit to Ordensburg Sonthofen.
Above, Walther pistol of the Political Leader.
These 1939 issues of Der Hoheitsträger have articles by Dr. Robert Ley about about NS Ordensburg Sonthofen in Bavaria (see images below*), The Political Soldiers of the Führer and another titled “Us or the Jews”. Reichsleiter R. Walther Darré wrote about the importance of the expansion of the Nazi Agriculture Policy, Gauleiter Fritz Sauckel about Germany’s Destiny, Kreisschulungsleiter Jung of Bautzen contributed a chapter titled Führertum und Freitheit, Gauleiter Jakob Sprenger wrote about the Importance of Education, F.H. Woweries (the Nazi functionary responsible for the content of the Reichsschulungsbriefe der NSDAP magazine) contributed articles about Setting the Right Example (“not only in Nürnberg during the Reichsparteitag”) and Political Leaders and the Wehrmacht. Styrian Gauleiter Siegfried Uiberreither wrote about Education to Prepare for Battle, Admiral Canaris penned a rare article called Politics and the Armed Forces, The [Cultural] Swamp is the subject of Alfred Rosenberg’s chapter, Gauleiter Josef Bürckel opined about Justice-Honor-Loyalty, and an article by Rudolf Hess is about the Laws and Duties of Citizens. Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg’s chapter about the New European Structure is accompanied by a picture of a bust of him by Ferdinand Liebermann. |
Other articles cover Selecting the Best through Competition, Political Leader Involvement for Improving the Housing Situation, Using Motion Picture Film for Educational Purposes, Disrespectful Behavior during Carnival, Background Information on the Nazi Sicherheitsdienst and Gestapo, Charity Collections, Communicating with Fellow Party Members and Comrades, Jewish ‘Weapons’ in Propaganda Literature, the Jewish and Freemason Members of the US Government, We Are Torchbearers, the Nazi Mother’s Cross and the Importance of Large Families, Der Schulungsbrief magazine (the tool of spreading the National Socialist philosophy), Military Education, the Use of Alcohol, the Rising Birthrate in France, Combatting Landflucht (rural exodus), Mother’s Day, Kreistag der NSDAP, Preachers and Soldiers, Class Warfare, Nazi National Education Week, Nazi Foreign Policy, Cooperation between the NSDAP and the Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo), Well-Planned Work for Women, the Aryanization of Businesses, the Jewish Worldwide Web of Freemasons, NSDAP Membership Statistics, National Socialist Imagery in Furniture and House Decor, Lebensraum and Colonies, Eyewitness Experiences from German East Africa, Jesuit Morals, New National Socialist Community Homes, NSDAP Gau Pistol Championships, and much, much more. |

The unquestionable organizational genius of the Nazi Party, Reichsorganisationsleiter Dr. Robert Ley, was in charge of Der Hoheitsträger, its contents and its distribution (the magazine was published only for the orientation of competent, high-ranking party leaders and issues were not to be loaned out to other persons).
So limited was the circulation of this heavily illustrated 9 x 12-5/8 inch Nazi Party magazine that on every issue there was a serial number printed across a pad of lines on the back cover, and written in German across the bottom of the front cover of each issue was a statement that translates “Only For Service Use - Confidential”. Each of the 1939 issues of the magazines in this lot has the word Vertraulich or Confidential printed at the bottom of most of the pages! |
Above, the headline of a chapter titled "What Political Leaders
need to know about the work of the SD and Gestapo"
A total of nine issues of
Der Hoheitsträger were
in the year 1939
this lot
consists of issues
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
and 8
(issues 4 and 9 are missing).
Each issue contained very sensitive information about how to make the Nazi Party look better to the press and the public, in Nazi ceremonies, Nazi organization, foreign news, book reviews and even a critique of the Nazi Party members themselves. This information was never intended for general circulation within the Nazi Party or in public.
Above, ridiculing Volkswagen should be punishable by law
according to an article in the
January 1939 issue of Der Hoheitsträger, even during Fasching (carnival)!
* We know of NO OTHER Third Reich source where
one might find informational illustrated articles about
the purpose and use of Ordensburgen such as the
enormous one in its Idyllic setting at Sonthofen.
The very hard-core and controversial Nazi nature of the content of these Hoheitsträger magazines is the reason that most examples were sought out and destroyed at the end of the Third Reich and World War II by Allied denazification commissions. Their controversial content was also used as a principal element by the prosecution in their effort to convict Dr. Robert Ley and others at the International War Crimes Trials in Nürnberg.
Any issue of Der Hoheitsträger is highly collectible. Finding so many well-preserved issues of one year, is exceeding rare especially in this fine condition!
Above, one of the many images in these Hoheitsträger magazines that is used to point out improper behavior while wearing a Nazi uniform. The headline translates as “Our Uniforms belong to the [Nazi] Community; not to a Confession”.
Above, a compilation of some important icons and new Nazi medals that appeared
in the center
of the back covers of 1939 Der Hoheitsträger magazines. |
There are many pictures and illustrations that accompany the articles in these 1939 Hoheitsträger magazines showing Political Leaders during their shooting competition at the 1938 Reichsparteitag, alleged female Soviet agent Plewitzskaja (a “dangerous Jewish tool”), Dr. Robert Ley, Hitler Youth boys and girls, Arno Breker statues, Nazi Ordensburg Sonthofen, das Ehrenmal der Alten Garde in Magdeburg, Political Leader Pistols, Alfred Rosenberg and Robert Ley at Sonthofen, the grandstand on the Zeppelinwiese in Nürnberg, Adolf-Hitler-School students, Der Führerglobus, and many more.
Each issue contains letters from Kreisleiter and Ortsgruppenleiter to the editor of Der Hoheitsträger, technical and organizational news, results of individual law matters, announcements about he deaths of Nazi party members, reviews of new books, Hitler quotes and patriotic song lyrics (suitable for educational use).
Above, Dr. Ley inspecting new Nazi uniforms and
swastika armbands at Ordensburg Sonthofen.
This rare lot of seven 1939 issues of Der Hoheitsträger is
** SOLD **
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