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Because of its remoteness, and separation from the rest of the country of Germany, many otherwise well-informed students of the Third Reich know little about Danzig Gauleiter Albert Forster, or how well-connected he was with the leadership of the Nazi Party.
This is a somewhat unknown Third Reich book about Gauleiter and SS General Albert Forster written by Wilhelm Löbsack, the Gauschulungsleiter in the Reichspropagandaamt of Danzig (his nickname was “the Goebbels of Danzig”). The 144-page softcover book contains 36 rare black and white pictures plus several reproductions of documents, including the one showing Albert Forster’s Honorary Citizenship of the city of Danzig.
Albert Forster was an early member of the Nazi Party (membership number 1924), and was considered an Alte Kämpfer. Born in Fürth, he was a local Nazi leader in the Nürnberg-Fürth area and part-time journalist for Julius Streicher's weekly anti-Jewish newspaper Der Stürmer. He was an observer at the trial for high treason of Erich Ludendorff, Adolf Hitler and other participants in the 1923 Nazi Putsch, which took place in the spring of 1924 in Munich.
The text of Gauleiter Albert Forster starts in early 1923 when Forster joined the Nazi Movement and became acquainted with Adolf Hitler. Forster’s part in the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany is followed by “the battle for Danzig” from 30 January - 28 May 1933. The third chapter is about the leadership of Hitler and Forster, and the fourth Abschnitt is titled “Albert Forster and Poland”. There is also a chapter about Forster’s role as head of all clerical employee organizations within the German Labor Front. Other chapters cover the strength of Albert Forster due to Hitler’s trust and support, and there is also a section with excepts of Forster speeches. Page 141 has Albert Forster’s family tree with ancestors going back to the 1700s.

Pictures show Hitler after his release from Landsberg Prison (the photo reproduced is from Forster’s personal archive and has a handwritten dedication by Hitler), Hitler and Forster at the 1925 Hitler-Tag in Fürth and at the Berghof above Berchtesgaden, Forster with Julius Streicher, Gauleiter Forster at different occasions and events in Danzig, the new Adolf Hitler School in Danzig, Forster with Hermann Göring, with other Gauleiters at the 1933 Nazi Party Days in Nuremberg, and there are two rare snapshots of Forster’s wedding to Getrud Deetz which include Hitler and Hess (above).
This 90 year old 5-¾ x 8-½ inch Nazi book about “Hitler’s Man in Danzig” Albert Forster was published by Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt Hamburg in 1934. It is in very nice, little-used condition with a tight spine and no odor.

Above, a picture of a rare June 1927 letter signed by
Julius Streicher of the NSDAP Ortsgruppe Nürnberg
confirming that Pg. (Party Member) Albert Forster
will officially become a public speaker for the
Note the handwritten endorsement by
Adolf Hitler below the Streicher signature.
In October 1930 Forster became the Nazi Party Gauleiter of the city of Danzig, and after the National Socialists were elected to power in 1933, Forster spearheaded the Nazi take-over of Danzig in the spring of 1933, gaining an absolute majority for the Nazi Party in the Danzig Senate. In January 1934, he was made honorary Führer of the 36th SS-Standarte in Danzig. In May 1934 Forster’s wedding took place in Berlin, with Hitler and Rudolf Hess as witnesses and special wedding guests (see photo below). He was the founder and publisher of the Danziger Beobachter (Danzig Observer) newspaper.
Also for sale on USMBOOKS.com, DANZIG IM REICH, a fine Nazi
photo book published in 1939 after the historic Hanseatic city
had become part of Nazi Germany again. We are happy
to combine shipping of multiple purchases!
This Third Reich book about Gauleiter and SS General Albert Forster is
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