Have a look at a lot of 1936 & 1937 DEUTSCHLAND magazines (in English & French) for sale on USMBOOKS.com, as well as other Third Reich travel-tourism material.  We are happy to combine shipping on multiple purchases!

This lot of 4 rare oversized DEUTSCHLAND magazines is
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Deutschland (Germany)
Nazi eagle and swastika
skiing in the area between Berchtesgaden and Garmisch-Partenkirchen
With the construction of the Reichsautobahn of Adolf Hitler under the direction of Dr. Ing. Fritz Todt during the 1930s, the foreign and domestic travel industries in Germany flourished. The big 10 x 14 inch monthly travel, traffic and scenery magazine Deutschland (Germany) circulated in the professional travel and hospitality industries. Each 30-32 page issue had a gorgeous full-color cover and was absolutely stuffed with in-depth photo feature articles on German travel destinations and German celebrations. Naturally, each issue also contained splendid ads from companies with a product or service to sell to those involved in travel within Germany.


Reichsminister Generaloberst Hermann Göring
The January 1937 issue features the poster of the 1937 Berlin Auto Show on the front cover. This is a rare English language edition with articles on skiing in the area between Berchtesgaden and Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the winter charms of the Harz, Thuringia in snow, the 20th anniversary of Mitropa railway service, the 10th anniversary of the death of Houston Stuart Chamberlain, the season of carnival, etc. Nice used condition.

Haus des deutschen Handwerks
The January 1938 issue of Deutschland (in German) with skis on the cover starts with a portrait of Reichsminister Generaloberst Hermann Göring and has articles about Fasching and carnival all over Germany, the Harz in snow, Berchtesgadener Land, winter in Schlesien (Silesia), Preysing Palace in Munich, etc. There is a beautiful full-page ad featuring the poster of the Berlin Auto Show. This magazine was once wet but was apparently carefully dried as none of the pages stuck together. No objectionable odor, good used condition.
Hitler and Mussolini
The November 1937 issue of Deutschland (in German) with the RAD Arbeitsmann on the cover contains articles about Benito Mussolini's visit to Germany, the German exhibit in Paris, maintenance of ski houses, farm houses of various German lands, and the Reichsarbeitsdienst - the School of the Nation. Nice used condition.
Mussolini in Deutschland
The June 1938 issue of Deutschland (in German) with folk dancers on the cover has articles about vacationing on the Northsea in summer, spring in the Spreewald, a journey along the Danube, the Salzkammergut, Salzburg, the World Handwork Exhibition, etc. Nice advertising. A 3 x 3 inch corner piece of the text of one page is missing. Good used condition.
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