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A priceless research source for scholars, historians, universities, authors or collectors! This is a very good used example of the original 1534 page, 8-1/8 x 11-5/8 inch (2+ inches thick!) 5+ pound 1941 Berlin telephone book, the only one published for the Nazi capital of Germany during World War II.

For serious historians and advanced World War II researchers there is NO SUBSTITUTE for the 1941 Berlin telephone book! It is the only reliable source for the addresses of major and minor political figures as well as the offices, facilities and ministries of the Third Reich government: Adolf Hitler’s Reichskanzlei, every NSDAP office in Berlin, Nazi Reichsleitung offices, RFSS Heinrich Himmler’s office on Prinz Albrechtstrasse, SA, SS, SS doctors, Gauleitung Berlin, the Nazi Treasury Office, DAF, KdF, HJ, SS schools, NSV, Reichspropagandaleiter, NSKK, NSFK, the Nazi Foreign Office, the Nazi Colonial Office, NS-Frauenschaft, Auslands-Organisation, Rassenpolitisches Amt, NS Lehrerbund, and many, many others.

Interestingly, this 1941 Berlin phone book still had listings for Jewish retirement homes, Jewish medical clinics, Jewish cultural associations, Jewish schools, Jewish social services, Homes for Jewish babies and children, and even synagogues.
There are many Jews listed in the phone book and those who were men were required to use the middle name Israel (see below), and those who were women were required to use the middle name Sara.
This huge book is complete and in very good used condition. In our 35+ years in the rare book business, we have bought and sold less than a dozen of these, and only one or two in a condition equal to this one. It has a very good cover but the spine has been retaped.
This Amtliches Fernsprechbuch is an invaluable addition to the library of collectors of identity documents, novelists, researchers and authors or historians dealing with the city of Berlin during the Third Reich.
One of the reasons that original Third Reich telephone book material is so rare today is that the entire country of Germany was critically short of fuel for cooking and heating, especially during the winters of 1946 to 1948. During the Berlin Blockade, thousands of Third Reich Berlin phone books went up the chimney as smoke.
This rare 1941 Nazi phone book of Berlin with supplements is
USM book #283 |
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