This is a very nice example of the rare 6-1/4 x 9 inch, 192 page, heavily illustrated soft cover book Ich erlebte USA im Krieg (I Witnessed the USA at War) by August W. Halfeld as published by Scherl Verlag in Berlin during World War II. The last “copyright” in the book is 1941 but it was certainly printed at a later date.
Author August Halfeld was a German national who was arrested in the United States when the Germans declared war on the United States just after Pearl Harbor and interned with other German nationals at the posh Greenbrier Hotel at White Sulphur Springs in West Virginia until an exchange of diplomatic personnel took place in 1942. In the nine years he had been in the USA prior to his internment, Halfeld had traveled a good deal and acquired a lot of amazing photographs.

He was not however, convinced in the slightest that the United States was the place for him. Rather, he saw it as a backward and uncultivated place where money was the answer to everything and an ill president (FDR) was under the control of Jews, bankers and the British. Halfeld felt the Americans treated Europe as “East America”.
Halfeld couldn’t say too much about the courage and the goals of the Japanese in the Pacific and the Germans in Europe. While Americans were wrapped up with entertainment and Hollywood, the Axis powers were busy with a more important agenda. Halfeld’s analysis tended to be that Jewish racketeers like Dutch Schultz Flegenheimer were one of the reasons that blacks and immigrants were living in slums.
The photo material in the book is intended to substantiate the text. Cartoons show Roosevelt using the two-ocean war as an excuse to invade South America. Photos show American soldiers rounding up Germans and Italians in America and a TIME magazine reference (and photo) of the first American “War Department concentration camp for enemy aliens” on Long Island.
The last chapter of Ich erlebte USA im Krieg concentrates on American Racial Deterioration, Jewish Stars and Freemason Emblems on American money, American Negro Generals, the Rabbi’s War of Extermination, the Prevalence of Hebrew Language in the American Jewish Paradise, etc., etc.
A rare Third Reich German book in very good used condition. Wear to the cover.
The actual pages of the book are somewhat more yellowed in reality than they appear in our photos. We reduced the yellow in these low-resolution pictures to make them more clear in their small size on the internet.
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